Web 3 Software Development

Get your project deployed to your favorite Mainnet with us.

About Us

We are a team of Web 3 developers from Latin America working with blockchain since 2018.

High-Quality Software Engineering

We use the main good practices of software engineering for developing high-quality web 3 projects.

These practices include contract standards such as Openzeppelin contracts, agile software development, automated tests, software architecture and design, code documentation, and others.

We have developed software for Web 2 since 2004 and for Web 3 since 2018. Our focus is to help companies with Web 3 software projects. For this, we use these technologies:

  • Solidity Smart Contracts for EVM-based chains
  • Javascript/Typescript React Frontends
  • Common libs and IDEs like Ethers/web3.js/Hardhat/Foundry
  • Python, Shell script and Docker for automation

Years of experience with web software engineering

Years of experience with blockchain and Web 3


Projects we worked on

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Our Services

Check how we can help you with your Web3 project

Software Development

Get a quote to develop a full project of DApp or Protocol. This is the better option when you have a clear scope and vision of the software to be developed.

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Team provider

Allocate a team to develop your project. This is the better option when you have an idea of project but no clear scope or vision of what the software will be.

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Developer provider

Allocate a developer to develop small projects or to compose your team. A good option for small projects or to complete your team.

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Quality Assurance

Check the quality of your project. This is a good option to improve and check the quality of already developed or under-development software projects.

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Project Evaluation

We evaluate project proposals for grant programs or venture capitalists. A good option if you run a protocol and need to expand quickly.

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Other Services

Didn't find the service that you need? Send us a message explaining your need and we will try to solve it for you.

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Get a quote with us. We will be glad to provide a solution for your demand.


Rua do Ouvidor 130 SL 504, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20040-030



Open Hours:

Mon-Fri: 10AM - 7PM (UTC)

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